Locate an array element in the path
When locating an array element, you can:
- specify a zero-based index, like 'artists[2]', or
- specify a key/value pair, like 'artists[id=5]', no-redux will find the first object in the artists list with the id property equals to 5.
For string values, no quotes needed - 'artists[name=Michael Jackson]'.
It can be parameterized, like 'artists[id={id}]'. And if the name of the property is the same as the name of the parameter, it can be shortened as 'artists[id]'.
Sometimes it's useful to define different parameter names to avoid name conflict, 'artists[name={artistName}].albums[name={albumName}]'.
Let's look at an example. If you want to update the rate of an album in the store, first define an action object:
rate: {
path: 'artists[id].albums[name].rate',
Then call the setRate function with payload and params:
this.props.setRate(88, { id: 5, name: 'Bad' });